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Item overflowing scenarios (static, no-scroll)

This is not a document for overflowing layout, a scroll. (Go here for overflowing layout scroll docs)

This document describes how to handle intentionally overflowed items per by frameworks.

This is a good example of the overflowing static example. item overflow static intended overflow example design

Web - css

.container {
background-color: black; /*(visual factor)*/
overflow: hidden; /* <-- do not scroll overflow */

.overflow {
position: relative;
left: calc(
(100% - 1000px) * 0.5
); /* <-- overflow static position (center) (parent.width - this.with / 2) */
/* or for non-semitric alignment, left:calc((100% - w - x) / 2) */

margin: 10px; /*(visual factor)*/
background-color: red; /*(visual factor)*/
width: 1000px; /* <-- overflowing size */

The math for finding the constrainted position is.

  • left: calc((100% - w - x) / 2)


Using OverflowBox

minWidth: 0.0,
minHeight: 0.0,
maxWidth: double.infinity,
maxHeight: double.infinity,
alignment:, /* <--- we can dynamically align to match the design's snapshot */
color: red,
width: 4000, /* <--- overflowing width */
height: 50

The math for finding the constrainted position is.

  • alignment: Alignment(x, y)
