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Figma Auto layout

These are the figma frame's property effecting to auto layouyt (flexbox) behaiviour

  • layoutMode: "VERTICAL" | "HORIZONTAL" - colum or row
  • primaryAxisSizingMode:"FIXED" | "AUTO"
  • counterAxisSizingMode:"FIXED" | "AUTO"
  • primaryAxisAlignItems:"MIN" | "MAX"
  • counterAxisAlignItems:"MIN" | "MAX"
  • layoutAlign: "STRETCH" | "INHERIT"
  • layoutGrow: 0 | 1 - flex 0/1

"Stretched" item (Fill container)

Web - css

The below description is based on flex-direction: row;. what we are trying to stretch is the height of the item.

using align-items on container

this sould only be used when all items are stretched. in figma, detection of this is not possible by only looking in to the container's property. we have to look through all its children to determine if the container is used to stretch all items. Again, the align-items property cannot be infered from figma container.

.container {
display: flex;
align-items: stretch;
/* align-items: normal; - this also works (uses stretch) */
/* align-items: _undefined_ - this also works (normal as default value) */

.item {
/* ... */
/* height: n; -- height should be removed */
/* ... */

using align-self on item

align-self property can be infered from a item (a container's child)

.container {
display: flex;

.item {
/* ... */
/* height: n; -- height should be removed */
align-self: stretch;
/* ... */



Using crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch to container (layout)

    return Container(
height: 500,
color: Colors.white,
child: Row(
/// set crossAxisAlignment here. this is like flexbox `align-items: stretch;` in css
/// but still, in css, having stretch on container and having height on item will use the height. - it won't force stretch the size. unlike this, in flutter, every items are force stretched. see below height-sized item's comment.
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: [
color: Colors.cyan,
width: 100,
// even specifing explicit height will be ignored. all items including this will be stretched (height) to 500 (the continer's fixed height)
height: 50,
width: 20,

but still, in css, having stretch on container and having height on item will use the height. - it won't force stretch the size. unlike this, in flutter, every items are force stretched.

Using double.infinity in item

As shown below, using double.infinity is equivalant to css align-self: stretch which can be applied to item. (not the layout)

return Container(
height: 500, // the row's height
color: Colors.white,
child: Row(
children: [
// streth height (align-self: stretch)
color: Colors.cyan,
width: 100,
height: double.infinity
// epand to main axis (flexbox flex:1), fixed height
width: 50,
height: 50,
// fixed size
height: 50,
width: 20,


Universal token - Stretched

We use Stretched Token for specifing specific widget to be stretched. Learn more at @designto/token/tokens

Hug contents item (Not having any intrinsic size)

Hug contents will follow its items size, not having a intrinsic size of its own. Learn how to handle this here at box-sizing#Not having-any-intrinsic-size