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You'll face lots of problems while using Grida. Use the resources below to get your problems resolved.

Before participating in Grida's communities, please read our Code of Conduct. We have adopted the Contributor Covenant and we expect that all community members adhere to the guidelines within.

Slack Community

We have the Grida Slack community so that community members can easily discuss and share information. This is the most active channel after Grida Github, where you can get the fastest response.

Join Grida Slack Community with this link.

Feature requests

You can submit new Issues or Feature Requests on Github.

Find your desired repository on Grida Github, and submit new issue.

If you don't known what repository you're looking for, It probably is one of the belows.


For the latest news about Grida, follow @grida_co on Twitter and the official Grida blog on our website.

Sing-up to Grida and get the latest news and updates from us.

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