본문으로 건너뛰기

Multi Proxied Property on components

Styled components

In styled components, the property should be proxied multiple times.


In static terms

function AppBar() {
return <AppBarBase>Hello</AppBarBase>;

const AppBarBase = styled.div`
background-color: red;
color: white;
font-size: 1.5em;

In dynamic terms

function AppBar({
color = "white",
textColor = "red",
}: {
title: string;
color?: string;
textColor?: string;
}) {
return (
color={color} // proxy 1
textColor={textColor} // proxy 1

const AppBarBase = styled.div<{ color: string; textColor: string }>`
background-color: ${(p) => p.color}; /* proxy 2 */
color: ${(p) => p.textColor}; /* proxy 2 */
font-size: 1.5em;